ROKKER - die Schweizer Premium-Brand für Motorradbekleidung - gibt hier im Blog wertvolle Tipps rund um das Thema Fahrsicherheitstraining Motorrad

Motorcycle safety training: More than just braking and swerving

Riding a motorcycle is far more than just a way of getting from A to B. It is an expression of freedom and personality. It is an expression of freedom and personality. But let's be honest: for some...

Motorradbekleidung richtig reinigen: So bleibt dein textiles Biker-Outfit in Topform

Cleaning motorcycle clothing properly: how to keep your textile biker outfit in top shape

Riding a motorcycle offers an incomparable feeling of freedom. But let's be honest, after an extensive tour, your motorcycle clothing often looks as if it has been on a wild journey itself. Yet tex...

Motorrad einwintern - so machst du dein Bike winterfest

Winterizing your motorcycle - how to winterize your bike

When the leaves fall and the temperatures drop, experienced bikers know that it's time to prepare their trusty steed for hibernation. But don't worry, we won't leave you out in the cold. Below you ...